Tag: And The Bride Wore White
Should We Stop Using The Word "Purity"?
I once opened my blog to moderate comments on a post titled "Was Mary A Virgin?" Suddenly, I was being accused of "slut-shaming" for using the word virgin. What!? It was the VIRGIN Mary who I was writing about! The comments were just the crest of a wave of frustration I've heard lamenting that the word purity has no efficacy. So, let's put it on trial today and see where we land.
Ten Reasons Every Mom Must Talk To Her Daughter About Sex
One of the most critical on-going conversations mothers can have with their daughters is on the topic of sexuality. My head spins with all the risk and hope that teeters on the existence of such a dialogue. Let me share the best news first: the number one risk-reducer for your daughter is parent/child connection. What you think about sex informs her view of it, and what you communicate about risk and sexual theology helps to steer her towards healthy choices. You're that powerful, Mom. Let me explain.
Is Purity An Idol In Christian Circles?
One of my single, twenty-something team members returned from Christmas break with something of an epiphany having occurred. "I've made purity an idol in my life," she confessed. She's not the first to consider this and it may be worth a conversation. But while I believe it's possible that purity may be an idol in your life, it is a myth that purity is an idol.