Get a fresh download of faith!

I’d like to invite you to join me to learn six habits of walking by faith.

When we go through difficult times, it's hard to tell when they'll start to be truly easy again.

When I was going through a hard time, God had me immersed in a book of the Bible that's rarely studied. And I used that sweet experience to write my first Bible study. I'm so honored to share it with you.

The prophet Habakkuk faced great storms in life. His fears of the future crippled him with doubt and left him questioning God. How is it, then, that he is now a shining example of how the righteous live by faith?

Learn how the storms of life can become opportunities to activate your faith in Habakkuk: Remembering the Faithfulness of God When He Seems Silent.

A six-week study. And get this…

THE BOOK OF HABAKKUK is about learning to believe that God is good and maintains control even when there is so much evil and tragedy in the world around us. Though this book is often overlooked during times of peace and prosperity, it has tended to be studied when believers needed to learn how to talk to God during epic events.

We need the lessons of Habakkuk always,
so we're prepared when difficult times come.

As we study the ancient poetry of this prophet, we will:

Gain perspective on the trials you’re currently facing and learn to navigate them free of fear and full of faith.

Exercise six habits of living by faith.

Remember how God has been faithful to you in the past.

Be prepared to face the trial we’re currently in and those that come in the future.

Learn how to talk to God when you’re frustrated or devastated.

Receive a special invitation from God concerning the trials of others.

Experience revival.

We need the lessons of Habakkuk always,
so we're prepared when difficult times come.

As we study the ancient poetry of this prophet, we will:

Gain perspective on the trials you’re currently facing and learn to navigate them free of fear and full of faith.

Exercise six habits of living by faith.

Remember how God has been faithful to you in the past.

Be prepared to face the trial we’re currently in and those that come in the future.

Learn how to talk to God when you’re frustrated or devastated.

Receive a special invitation from God concerning the trials of others.

Experience revival.

At least, those are some of the things I experienced as I took that deep dive in to the pages of Habakkuk. But don’t just take my word for it. One thousand women participated in a special pre-release study of Habakkuk: Remembering God’s Faithfulness When He Seems Silent.

Here’s what some of them said:

“This course has been ‘heaven sent.’"

About two months ago, I started struggling with depression. I prayed and prayed to God over and over again to help me. ... His answer was the book of Habakkuk, and this phenomenal Bible study.”

“... how absolutely amazing this study has been for myself as well as the 13 neighborhood ladies & friends that are coming along on this walking by faith journey! It's been amazing!”

“I just started week 3 and when I listened to the podcast Dannah started by sharing that she was having a rough day. I knew that I was actually right on time for my study this week!!!”

“God spoke to me over and over again while studying the attributes of God that Habakkuk was leaning on.”

In fearful times, it’s more important than ever that we are women who pass on faith with even more fervency than we pass on the recipes that get us through.

Are you walking in faith or in fear?

What are you afraid of right now? I bet there is something. The future. The bills. An old wound. An addiction. Spending your life alone. Spending your energy in a purposeless career.

Everything in me wants to tell you, “It’s going to be ok.”

But that platitude will make you weak. It will lull you into comfortable complacency. God knows you were made for more. So, let me tell you the truth.

First, in all likelihood, what’s ahead is going to be so much harder than you can imagine. Of course, that’s not a guarantee. Sometimes we get a bye.

The second thing you need to know is this: If you can learn to live in faith rather than fear, it’s going to be so much more amazing than you can imagine. And that, I can promise you.

God wants to strengthen you for what’s ahead. He wants the muscles of your emotions, your mind, and your will to be trained for walking in the most difficult places.

So, I’m not going to tell you what you want to hear. I’m going to take you to God’s Word and invite God’s Spirit to tell you what you need to hear. And we’ll use the ancient writing of the prophet Habakkuk to turn up the volume.

My publisher is offering you a free downloadable sampler of Habakkuk: Remembering God's Faithfulness When He Seems Silent. Get a sneak peak into the study and be sure to scroll down to the faith and fear inventory.

Group Study Tools!

As with any study, Habakkuk: Remembering God’s Faithfulness When He Seems Silent will be more powerful in your life if you have girlfriends join you. Sharing what God has done in our hearts and lives helps cement biblical truth into our hearts. You can find a group bundle of this study here.

So please invite your teen daughters, granddaughters, and small groups to join you!

Whether you gather to study in person or online, we have tools ready for to use for your six weeks of study. The videos and podcasts enable you to kickstart each week.

Why would you want to study Habakkuk?

Fair question. The answer is that all of Scripture is useful and we should not pick and choose the books we study. But Habakkuk is a terrible book to overlook because: helps us through hard times.—like 25% of Scripture—is in poetry form and you’ll learn to understand all of those sections of the Bible more easily.

...... It has tentacles in many other books of the Bible—like Daniel, Romans, Hebrews, and Galatians—and will help you understand those books better. (For me it was one “eureka” moment after another!)

What are you waiting for!? My team can't ship your book until you order it!