Tag: Get Lost

How Friendships Impact Your Sexual Integrity

BFFs and frenemies are one of the best...and worst...things about being a teen. What you might not realize is that they're also possibly one of the highest risks you'll ever face. Why? Because it may seem like those never-ending text conversations and tweets back and forth are trivial rumblings, but they aren't!

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Three Ways To Find Your Million Dollar Mate

Finding the right mate is hard. What if you could use a method that guaranteed you'd find someone who would go the distance with you and would meet the deepest longings of your heart? Your answer to that question could reveal something important.

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Ten Reasons Every Mom Must Talk To Her Daughter About Sex

One of the most critical on-going conversations mothers can have with their daughters is on the topic of sexuality. My head spins with all the risk and hope that teeters on the existence of such a dialogue. Let me share the best news first: the number one risk-reducer for your daughter is parent/child connection. What you think about sex informs her view of it, and what you communicate about risk and sexual theology helps to steer her towards healthy choices. You're that powerful, Mom. Let me explain.

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Single Desire: How Can I Be Sexually Alive?

"The truth is that God designed sex to be enjoyed within the context of a marriage bed. It’s as simple and as terribly frustrating as that. While it would be nice if there were a caveat for those who never get married, that would deny the sanctity of the act of sex altogether wouldn’t it? The marriage bed should be honored by “all,” not just those who have one. (Hebrews 13:4) This is difficult but true." (From "How Can I Satisfy My Sexual Desire As A Single Woman?")

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Single Desire: How Can I Satisfy My Desire To Rescue A Man?

Recent studies suggest that women are scientifically attracted to  bad boys. Some think this tendency is heightened during ovulation when a woman may subconsciously be more likely to consider how protective a potential mate could be of offspring. I think we are, in fact, attracted to the bad boy.  But I think the reason is much simpler than science will ever uncover. I'd like to reveal it to you today so you can figure out what to do with your bad boy appetite before you end up with one that might hurt you.

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Is Purity An Idol In Christian Circles?

One of my single, twenty-something team members returned from Christmas break with something of an epiphany having occurred. "I've made purity an idol in my life," she confessed. She's  not the first to consider this and it may be worth a conversation. But while I believe it's possible that purity may be an idol in your life, it is a myth that purity is an idol.

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