Tag: Sexual Desire

Single Desire: How Can I Be Sexually Alive?

"The truth is that God designed sex to be enjoyed within the context of a marriage bed. It’s as simple and as terribly frustrating as that. While it would be nice if there were a caveat for those who never get married, that would deny the sanctity of the act of sex altogether wouldn’t it? The marriage bed should be honored by “all,” not just those who have one. (Hebrews 13:4) This is difficult but true." (From "How Can I Satisfy My Sexual Desire As A Single Woman?")

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How Can I Satisfy My Sexual Desire If I'm Destined For Singleness?

This may be the hardest blog post I’ve ever written. Single women have been writing to me with one question: “How can I satisfy my sexual desire if I’m destined to remain single my whole life?” In part, this question is coming from women who've recently read Pulling Back The Shades, a candid look at erotica, intimacy, and the longings of a woman's heart, which I co-authored with Dr Juli Slattery. But the truth is the question has been coming my way for a long time and I've managed to dodge it. My motivation to answer is impaled on the horns of a dilemma: do I, a married woman, pass you on to some one else with more "experience" for the answer OR do I tell you the truth which is undoubtedly not what you really want to hear in which case you may happily use my married status to disqualify the advice? Today I'm mustering up the courage to go for the latter. Here goes.

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