Tag: True Girl
New Study Proves the Bible Helps with Mental Health
In her book Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren't Growing Up, Abigail Shrier argues that the mental health crisis among today's youth is exacerbated by the very professionals meant to help them. She suggests that modern psychotherapy often does more harm than good for many children, leading to increased anxiety and depression. There's actually a
Why Do We Fight Over What We Wear?
Remember back—maybe waaaay back—to some of the disagreements you had with your own mom about what you wanted to wear. Why is that? Well, I think the rumble about wardrobes is a small piece of an ongoing war that was waged in antiquity. Tucked in the midst of Genesis 3 is a Bible verse from
What You Must Know If Someone You Love Loud-Talks During Zoom Calls
Does anyone in your house LOUD-TALK during a Zoom call? Before the swell of Zoom use in 2020, women had no forewarning of the reality that many men have an inability to talk at a normal tone when on a Zoom call, including my husband Bob! Confession: this made us talk loud to each other
Be Still
There’s an appropriate human response to God’s divine providence. Do people see this quality in you? I’ll get right to the good news about that because the headlines provide us with plenty of the bad. Are you ready? The next setback may be God’s set up for a comeback. Of course, it’s also possible that
Do The Next Right Thing.
People Are Watching You Do The Next Right Thing. (Or not.) I needed a massage. Ok, let me correct that sentence: I wanted a massage. Somehow it seemed like just the comfort I needed to give me the “umph” to get through yet another week of pandemic decision- and opinion-fatigue. But I’d travelled outside of