Tag: Workshop on marriage. Help for marriages troubled by porn
8 Ways the Holy Spirit Helps When Marriage Is Painful
Has your marriage ever been in a place where you barely knew how to pray? Mine has. At times, the only prayer that formed on my lips was, Lord, help! And He did. God has written a redemption story in the marriage of Bob and Dannah Gresh that I could never have dreamed of. We
Healing Does Happen: Our Road to Freedom
We both felt the nudge of God's spirit to slow down and get honest. But we didn't. We kept making a lie our refuge. Eventually, Bob got to the point where he had to tell me the whole truth. He did. Sitting in our red leather chairs in our living room, he broke my heart.
8 Ways the Holy Spirit Helps When Marriage Is Painful
Has your marriage ever been in a place where you barely knew how to pray? Mine has. My husband’s fierce battle with lust and pornography once knocked me to my knees. At times, the only prayer that formed on my lips was, Lord, help! And He did. God has written a redemption story in the marriage