Tag: modesty
Why Do We Fight Over What We Wear?
Remember back—maybe waaaay back—to some of the disagreements you had with your own mom about what you wanted to wear. Why is that? Well, I think the rumble about wardrobes is a small piece of an ongoing war that was waged in antiquity. Tucked in the midst of Genesis 3 is a Bible verse from
Whose Idea Was Clothing?
Have you ever wondered why we wear clothes? I mean, when God made the first man and woman, He made them without clothes: “The man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed” (Gen. 2:25 ESV). There was no clothing . . . and there was no shame or guilt. That’s because Adam
We Need a Theology of Clothing
I detest legalism, and I often hear obsessive conformity to rules when some people within the Christian community talk about the way women present themselves. That’s not to say God doesn’t have guidelines for us, but we’re awfully good at adding to them. That’s part of what gave me pause when it came to surrendering
Does God Really Care What I Wear?
Let’s imagine you and I meet for coffee and tea to discuss the highest purpose for our lives. (Yes, a big topic to cover at a coffee shop!) We might eventually arrive at the idea that we exist to glorify and enjoy God. Glorify • to make glorious by bestowing honor, praise, and admiration. We
The Naked Truth About Clothing
Nakedness is not always bad. Some Christian circles or legalistic groups make it seem as if it is, but I disagree. Nudity is to be mutually explored and celebrated within the marriage bed. A husband should be satisfied by his wife’s breasts. (Prov. 5:18–19). And a woman has ample right to ask for her husband’s
Guys, you are responsible for your lust.
Much has been written and said in the Christian world about modesty. Mostly to women. But does this mean men are off the hook? Nope. Guys: your lust is your responsibility. Period.
Does Teaching Purity Contradict God's Grace?
"I’m just not seeing the message of grace presented in these purity and modesty movement," a woman once wrote to me. "Why did Jesus die on the cross? We are righteous because of Jesus, not because of our works. ... I am all about ...waiting to have sex until marriage and using common sense in dressing in a manner that is respectful to yourself and those around you. But these are conversations that play such a minor role in the fabric of our lives. The Gospel is about Jesus and God’s grace, it’s not about purity."
A Modest Proposal For My Critics
In the past thirty days, CBS has issued a modesty code for celebs attending the Grammy's while Christian websites and blogs have decried the modesty movement. Has the world been turned upside down?