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Flourish Where You're Planted (Even When You Want to Give Up)

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Is It Possible To Enjoy Intimacy Again After Porn?

Roughly 60-70% of men in the Church are living like addicts when it comes to the way they complacently use pornography and feed a lustful mindset. Scan the brain of a man like that and the functional image reveals that it looks like that of a heroine addict's—full of holes. Like Swiss cheese! What began

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Does God Really Care What I Wear?

Let’s imagine you and I meet for coffee and tea to discuss the highest purpose for our lives. (Yes, a big topic to cover at a coffee shop!) We might eventually arrive at the idea that we exist to glorify and enjoy God. Glorify • to make glorious by bestowing honor, praise, and admiration. We

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The Day My Husband Broke My Heart

You never forget the day that blows out the flame of happy in your heart. That afternoon I was at home, waiting for my husband, Bob, to come pick me up in his big red truck so we could “eat our way” through the Centre County Grange Fair. It’s a family tradition that sticks better than

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The Naked Truth About Clothing

Nakedness is not always bad. Some Christian circles or legalistic groups make it seem as if it is, but I disagree. Nudity is to be mutually explored and celebrated within the marriage bed. A husband should be satisfied by his wife’s breasts. (Prov. 5:18–19). And a woman has ample right to ask for her husband’s

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Why I Wished I Hadn't Cussed At My Husband

By Dannah Gresh “A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness breaks the spirit!” (Proverbs 15:4) Sadly, I have learned this first hand.  Many years ago, Bob and I attended a week-long marriage retreat where we got some one-on-one time with a counselor. He claimed to be a Christian and I think he

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What You Must Know If Someone You Love Loud-Talks During Zoom Calls

Does anyone in your house LOUD-TALK during a Zoom call? Before the swell of Zoom use in 2020, women had no forewarning of the reality that many men have an inability to talk at a normal tone when on a Zoom call, including my husband Bob! Confession: this made us talk loud to each other

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Future Hope

All of us are going to die. Will you be content with how you’ve lived? I’ve got to be honest. This COVID-19 pandemic got me thinking a whole lot more about how incredibly finite I am. (Translation: I’m more aware that I’m going to die than I have ever been.)  I don’t think that’s bad.

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Be Still

There’s an appropriate human response to God’s divine providence.  Do people see this quality in you? I’ll get right to the good news about that because the headlines provide us with plenty of the bad. Are you ready? The next setback may be God’s set up for a comeback. Of course, it’s also possible that

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Do The Next Right Thing.

People Are Watching You Do The Next Right Thing. (Or not.) I needed a massage. Ok, let me correct that sentence: I wanted a massage. Somehow it seemed like just the comfort I needed to give me the “umph” to get through yet another week of pandemic decision- and opinion-fatigue. But I’d travelled outside of

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